Edward Haskins Jacobs, Director
7 Church St.
Christiansted, St. Croix
 U.S. Virgin Islands   00820

tel: (340) 773-3322

fax: (340) 773-2566





Synopsis of November 4, 1992 letter from Mr. Robert Roe, Chairman, Board of Trustees of The Brooks Hill School (St. Croix, Virgin Islands) to Edward Jacobs

The two-page letter is addressed to "Dear Ned". The writer states that the October 26, 1992 letter from Edward Jacobs to the head of school concerns teaching methods and asserts that because the by-laws of the board of trustees provide that the head of school "shall have full charge of the administration and the educational program of the school" the board should decline to become involved in the question of how to teach reading at the School.

The writer states "I find it disturbing that as a parent, you would attempt to establish yourself as an educational expert and mount a campaign to try to impose your views on the School." The letter goes on to state that "you and a few others have seized upon [the Parents Association] as a means of trying to impose personal points of view on the School."

The writer asserts that the School does not aspire to "the common goal of the Trustees, Administrators, Staff, Faculty, Students, or Parents to investigate, evaluate, and discover the best methods of teaching our children".

The writer indicated further that he found it "disturbing that a parent would intentionally subvert the teacher's efforts and not realize the overall, unfortunate and long-term impact on the child of being instructed by his/her parent to disregard the established authority."

The writer indicates that the School will continue to seek out the very best teachers and methods of instruction available and urges full support for the teachers from the parents. The writer indicates that he is available to discuss any facets of the letter and that the director of lower school will be responding to the October 26, 1992 letter.







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